2008 - The Teens Speaks Out was founded

2009 - The Teens Speaks Out name was changed to Teens Speak Out.

2010- Teens Speak Out published it first Teens Magazine.

2010 - Teens Speak Out had the great honor to work with some of the service people of Dyess Air Force and meet with the State Representative Susan King.

2015 - TSO Live Talk Show was created for teens to be able speak over live internet radio giving our young people opportunity to be heard World Wide.

Tchermiyah Hawkins

Host & CEO of TSO LIVE

Working with four teens as a single parent was a challenge, especially with three girls. I seen how vulnerable are young girls are in this society were male ruler ship is dominant. Teens Speak Out was created to empower our young women and teens with the ability and forum to speak and be heard.  I'm so bless to be able to impact the lives of others. 

Asayah Yisraal

Justin Geist

Technical Engineer & Co-Host

recent programs

Every month we choose a teen of the month that will receive a gift certificate of a $100.


70 countries have viewed  our site. Many viewers have pattern there organization after us. If you do a google search, you will see it for yourself. This is a blessing.



This is our mission, purpose, and work:

1. To give teens the forum to speak their views and share their ideas on how to make changes and resolve issues Global and in their Communities

2. To train up future Leaders, Teachers, Ambassadors, Diplomats, Counselors and Judges

3. To bring religions together to work together to help resolve the problems with our children

4. To bring back to remembrance the moral benefits of upholding the Covenant of Peace, the ten commandments.

Hagir Elsheikh

​Executive Counsellor of Women Ministry of International Peace & Co-Host

Hagir Elsheikh, BSN, RN
Owner/CEO HSE Staffing Agency LLC

Malaz Sharief
Our Teen Leader who is driven with a purpose to make a better future for the teens.

our leadership team

Foundation History

Empowering Our Teens with Knowledge to change the World for Love, Peace and Health!

mission & vision

No  voice is to quiet to be heard. We will devote the time and energy necessary to educate, encourage and edify our teens.   Read below

The Future of Our Teens is our responsibility as a Nation.

Our founder

Teens Speak Out